Lawn Care in
Fort Myers Beach, Florida

From mowing to sunbathing.

Because your lawn deserves better than best.

This is a town deserving great lawn care

Why? How else are you residents of Fort Myers Beach supposed to enjoy the sand and sunset? You arguably have the best beaches in all of Florida. And you’re so busy trying to maintain the lawn in this heat? We say nay!

We’re not that far away from Fort Myers Beach either, being based straight out of Cape Coral, so we’re pleased to say that if you’re on the lookout for lawn care maintenance, the CCLC team might be your go-to.

First let’s say how excited we are to even be in Fort Myers Beach:

  • You’ve got Bayside Veterans Park (which has a beach)
  • Salty Sam’s Pirate Cruise (we had to see this to believe it)
  • And how about that Calusa Blueway? (can you say…. Kayak?)

And that’s only the beginning!

More importantly, we’re all about taking care of lawns there in Fort Myers Beach especially due to Hurricane Milton. We love you guys. Keep on trucking. After all, Fort Myers is best known for the most sunny days. So nothing will ever beat you down!

How're those canoe and kayak trails?

I mean, there are 190 miles of those trails to cover by canoe or kayak. So let’s start rowing, shall we?

You could work as a "shelling charter captain" here

Seriously, it’s one of the few towns in the world offering that as actual employment — getting paid to find “sculpted lion’s paws.”

Fort Myers Beach is the rental car capital of the world?

I mean, the headquarters of Hertz Rental Cars is based right here in this town. No joke! Florida even rents more cars than anywhere else.